If you would like Reading Write Now to review your work, send Jess or Iva an email at:
A review provided by Jess or Iva on behalf of Reading Write Now will be honest. In the event that you have requested a review and the review receives a rating rates lower than 3, Jess or Iva will contact you to discuss the review prior to publishing it.
Once a request has been received, we will discuss time frames for completion of the review. If these time frames are agreeable, upon completion of the review, links will be shared with the author, for their information and promotion if they so choose.
If it is agreed that Reading Write Now is to proceed with a review, ARC's should be provided in .mobi format where possible.
All efforts will be made to ensure reviews do not contain spoilers.
Due to this, the length of reviews may be brief. Any feedback will endeavour to be constructive. Reading Write Now will not intentionally personally target any individual with criticism.
Should you feel that a review on behalf of Reading Write Now undermines this pledge, please contact Jess Watson or Iva Readit to discuss your concerns.
0 - 2 = weak, inadequate
(where it was placed on the scale would depend on what extent the
inadequacies were present)
3 = Acceptable (3 1/2 = Good)
4 = Really Good (4 1/2 = Excellent)
5 = Exceptional
Current as at 30 January 2016.
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