Title: Alex’s Destiny (Racing to Love #4)
Author: Amy Gregory
Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+
Publication Date: November 1, 2013
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.
Her destiny was written for her, long before she was ever born. She embraced it, wanting nothing more than to give everything within her back to the sport in which she was considered royalty. Her family’s legacy would live on, revered by all. And she thrived on the long work days she spent teaching at the academy her blood was tied to. Alexandra Sterling needed that dirt track as much as she needed her next breath.
That same track was the one that drew in a young student years before. Alex had given her heart away the day they met, knowing that he belonged to only her. For years she’d waited, knowing without a single doubt that he’d make her his when the time was right.
But…she’d never asked Dallas if he felt the same way.
Her hurt leaves her vulnerable, her days dark and her instincts dulled. After one night of hell, Alex is lost. Her world is crumbling around her, and without her lifeline and best friend beside her anymore, there’s nothing to keep her from sinking with it.
Dallas Hunter is a pro rider on the motocross circuit, following in the footsteps of his father Eli. For Dallas, it’s always been Alex, but he’s kept his feelings locked away out of fear, his love for their family, his biggest obstacle.
One short and chilling phone call to her puts him on high alert. Knowing something is terribly wrong sends him racing across the country, back home, back to her. But what he finds almost kills him.
Now he’s watching her slip away right before his very eyes. Figuring out how to help Alex before it’s too late, might turn out to be harder than any race he’s ever ridden. And he has to do it with his team and sponsors screaming at him from the other side, trying to pull him back to the world he’s dedicated his entire life to.
Dallas knows he has to help his best friend, the woman he loves…and do it without tearing his family apart.
Other books in this series: Carter’s Treasure #1, Brody’s Love #1.5 (novella), Jesse’s Soul #2, Eli’s Honor #3
Kota's Review
Alex’s Destiny is the fourth installment in the Racing to Love Series, and as I have previously said, Ms Gregory’s writing ability is fabulous, she tells a story with compassion, empathy and sass, her tone is engaging and has you hooked from the beginning, her style is easy to read but with enough depth for you to engage your imagination.
The Racing to Love Series focuses on one character in a tight knit ‘family’ of motocross riders on the pro circuit. This series is pure Ms Gregory as she takes each of them on the journey to the happy ever after, after meeting their one.
Alex’s Destiny takes this family that little bit further when it introduces the next generation in the Noland clan to that perfect love.
The characters are well written and to ensure a complete understanding of the relationship dynamics, it would be integral to read the series in sequence. While this is preferred it is not essential as Ms Gregory provides enough backstory to allude to the characters past experiences. .
Each story has an element of drama which impacts on the character finding their HEA, and this makes the journey all the sweeter. Ms Gregory writes these plot lines with compassion and sensitivity, that you can’t help but empathise with the character and all of those around them. This is pertinent for Alex and the struggles she faces to find her destiny.
Each book in this series has you reading with your heart in your throat waiting for the penny to drop and the existence for those entrenched in the Noland family to be restored to a perfect balance of love, fun, and racing!
Alex’s Destiny as a standalone gets 4 hearts, and the series overall is also rated 4 hearts.
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About the Author
When asked ‘when do you have time to write’, Amy Gregory simply laughs. The real answer is, “in bits and
pieces”. She and her husband live in Kansas City with their three fantastic kids that keep them running in three very different directions. Because she sits so much, she always carries a notebook with her at all times.
She has an off the wall, snarky, off the cuff sense of humor that often shocks even those who’ve known her for years. And she loves that her children have all been blessed that ability to make others laugh as well. At least she’s grateful most of the time! Her husband often teases her about how she “makes this stuff up” when he’s reading a piece of her work. … The answer—“it just comes to me when I’m typing”. Scary thought, huh!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much in taking the time to read my work! That means so much to me. I really hope you've developed a soft spot for this eclectic family...they're just such a huge part of me, I love them dearly. Fictional or not... okay now I'm sounding bonkers! bahahaha
Thanks again,
Thanks for stopping by Amy - this family can only be loveable! I have enjoyed reading your work - thank you for sharing your stories with us xx