Friday, 25 April 2014

Autum's Lost by Leia Madison


To the outside world Addison Baxter has it all, a beautiful house in the suburbs, a gorgeous daughter, faithful friends and a dutiful husband. But the glass façade is all but shattered the night a drunk driver destroys the world she knows.

To all that know him Curt Baxter is a doting father and loving husband. But Curt has many secrets, secrets that will destroy love, family and friends, & they will be revealed the night of the accident.

The life once lived is no more, and when the hard truths are revealed, it will take every bit of strength Addison has left to carry on. But will Curt’s unwillingness to let go lead Addison down her own surprising path of love and happiness.

Kota's Review

If Autum’s Lost is Ms Madison’s debut novel – my gosh I cannot wait to see the journey she goes on as an author.  What a great start!

I really enjoyed Autum’s Lost – it is a sad, heart wrenching, yet liberating story of hope.  Addison is a woman grieving, not only her loss after a family tragedy, but of the life that she thought she had built and protected.

We follow Addison as she discovers her inner self with a strength and integrity that she has earned.  Her relationship with Curt was less than perfect, and the efforts that she thought she had made turn out to be not a secret as she had hoped.

Ms Madison paints this story filled with grief and loss, love and hope, domestic violence, substance abuse, trust and steamy scenes well, the emotion is on the cusp – you can feel it, and with a bit of fine tuning Ms Madison will nail it in the future.

The secondary characters are explored adequately, with the reader getting a good sense of who they are.  I did find myself wondering about other characters and why they were not explored so much, and also of the nature of some of the relationships they have with Addison – I am not sure I fully believed the intensity of those connections based on the back story.

I think this is a really good first novel, and I am keen to see where the next instalment takes us.  Addison is such a likeable character that you cant help but cheer for her to find the happiness that she deserves.  

I am sitting on a high 3 ½ for this one!

About the Author

Leia is from Iowa where she resides with her Husband of 16 years and beautiful 11 year old daughter. She has a spoiled yellow lab and 2 old grouchy cats. She loves to swim and ride bikes, both of the motor and pedal version. She is an avid fisherwoman and gardener.

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