Tuesday 19 November 2013

Knights Sinner by Bella Jewel with Giveaway

Title: Knights’ Sinner (The MC Sinners #3)
Author: Bella Jewel
Release Date: October 25, 2013
Genre: Biker Erotica


Jackson is always considered the 'softie'. He's the first to help people out when they're in need. He's President of the Hell's Knights and is tired of being treated like a pushover. He wants to show the world how much of a sinner he can be.

Serenity has a dark past. Secrets haunt her and she has no way of escaping them. Hogan is the only family she knows and life with him is brutal. And it's about to get worse.

He sends her on a mission.

On a mission to destroy the Hell's Knights and the Heaven's Sinners.

Can she pretend with a club she doesn't know?

Or will she betray Hogan?


“Don’t have to run, I don’t bite.”
My heart feels like it stops beating. He wants me to stay?
His eyes swing up to mine, and hold my gaze. “There’s some scary shit on T.V, but you can watch it with me, if you want.”
Oh god, he’s offering to watch movies with me. I feel my knees wobble as I walk over and sit on the couch beside him. We’re quite a distance away, but I can feel his presence like he’s sitting right beside me. He turns the volume up as the movie begins to play.
“You aren’t gonna scream, are you?”
I laugh nervously. “It’s highly possible, considering I’m scared of the dark…”
He gives me a look. “Seriously?”
“Seriously. It’s childish, but it’s true. I probably won’t sleep tonight, because I won’t be able to turn out the light.”
He chuckles.
“It’s not funny,” I protest.
“It’s kind of funny,” he grins, “a grown girl gettin’ scared over this bullshit.”
“This bullshit is very real!”
He laughs, and the sound is like music to my ears. I smile and drop my head back.
“So, what’s his real name?”
I watch as he leans back, and puts his arms up behind his head. Oh, those arms.
“Muff,” I say, my voice not coming out quite as strong as I would have hoped.
“Brian,” he says, grinning at me.
“Brian…seriously? That’s so…normal.”
He laughs again, “Yeah and that man is far from normal.”
“I like him, he’s kind of sweet,” I say, tucking my legs up and nestling back into the couch.
“Most of the girls say that.”
Jackson gives me a look from the corner of his eye. “You don’t know about Muff…and his nickname?”
“Well, I have a fair idea.”
Jackson gives a lazy, half smile. “He likes the…muff.”
I giggle, and then feel my cheeks flush. Oh god, I am talking about women’s bits, with Jackson. I turn my eyes back to the movie, feeling my skin prickle, just as some crazy murderer jumps out of a cupboard. I scream, spinning and burying my face into the couch. It takes me a moment to realize it’s not the couch, but Jackson’s arm. I leap backwards, eyes wide.
“Oh my god, sorry!”
He grins, clearly smothering a laugh. “Seriously? You’re scared of that?”
“He…I didn’t…” I cross my arms. “I didn’t see it coming!”

Kota's Review

This is Jackson and Serenity’s story.  We have met Jackson in the previous two books and slowly fallen in love with the bad ass MC president with a soft side.  Each time Bella has shown us a snippet of Jackson, he has just become much more that a hot headed stand up guy who would kill you in an instant if needed.  His club comes first – he is the ultimate boss man…  unless his loved ones need him.

Serenity is new – we were briefly introduced to her at the end of book 2.  She is young, troubled and in the midst of violence and blackmail.  How she gets entwined with Jackson and his club is no surprise, but how she meshes with them all, is kinda surprising.

Bella does not disappoint in this final instalment with drama, sex, and the ever brewing violence.  Jackson is a lover….  And a fighter…  and gentle…  and HAWT…..  man was I fanning something when I was in the room with Jackson, Serenity and Muff – Oh Boy!!!  

This story had Bella’s trademark humour thrown in with nothing off limits, details aplenty and a climax that had you cheering for the good guys all the way to the very end.  

The deficits for me with Knights Sinners were a) its finishing the story; b) it ended way to picture perfect nicely and; c) I felt that Jackson deserved a deeper story than he was given, it was brief, to the point (pardon the pun but a bit of wham bam thank you ma’am) and it was over.  He is character with so much more complexity than this story adequately explored, in my humble opinion.

Did I love the story – hell yeah, would I recommend you guys read this series – definitely, could i personally give it 5 hearts – nope… Spike story grabbed at me so much more!  I feel like Jackson was a little cheated…  Is Bella awesome – uhhh yeah – I love her style, and cannot wait to follow her on her writing journey.

I am giving Knights Sinner’s….  

To read my reviews of Hells Knights and Heavens Sinners 


Goodreads  |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  |  

About the Author 

Bella Jewel is an Aussie girl through and through. She spent her life in Western Australia, growing up in many different areas of the state. She now currently lives in Perth with her husband, children and mass amounts of pets. She's crazy, fun, outgoing and friendly. Writing is her passion, she started at the young age of 18 but finally got the courage up to publish, and her first novel Hell's Knights will be released in August 2013.

Connect with the Author 


(1) Signed Paperback of Hell’s Knights
(1) Signed Paperback of Heaven’s Sinners
Personalized MC Sinners Swag

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