Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Rose of Thorne by Mia Michelle with Giveaway


When a drunk driver tragically orphans Skylar Rose at the age of sixteen, she leaves her dreams behind and takes on the daunting task of helping her elderly grandmother raise her young sister. While other girls her age were living a typical carefree life, she was picking up double shifts at a local cafĂ© and struggling to pay the bills. 

Always putting her sister’s needs and school first, Skylar has never had time to date or develop relationships. Now a senior in college, she has her sights set on an amazing internship opportunity. The last thing she needed was for a sexy distraction like Sebastian Thorne to walk into her life. 

Sebastian Thorne had been an entitled and reckless nineteen year old when he got behind the wheel of his new sports car that night. When his night of indulgence goes tragically wrong, Sebastian hesitantly turns to the one person, he knows can make everything go away…the one person he hates ..his father.

Now twenty-six, Sebastian is the young enigmatic and powerful CEO of his late father’s design company, Thorne Enterprises. With both millions in the bank and a new woman on his arm almost every night, the world never knew the dark secret he carried inside. Still plagued with nightmares from the night of that horrific accident and having to leave the beautiful girl behind, Sebastian vows to find the one that haunts his dreams. Sometimes the choice of revisiting our past opens the door to a future that we never thought possible.

Haunted by their past, these two want nothing more than to have their life given back to them. But what do you do when the person who gave you back your life, was the very one that took it from you in the first place?

* BOOK 2 THORNELESS will follow VERY VERY SOON!! Contains sexual content and abusive situations. Recommended for readers 18+ years.


I stand here in my driveway watching the movers place the last remaining box in their van.  The house is nothing but a shell now, much like I am.  It once represented so much happiness, but now it feels like nothing but an empty void.  

I slowly walk through the only home that I have ever known, for the final time. I put my hand on every possible surface in the house, as if I am taking the memory with me.  Touch.  I pat my hand on the kitchen counter where my momma and I tossed flour on each other while we made my daddy’s favorite cake. We always made such a huge mess, but we had so much fun. Touch My hand slides across the butterflies that adorn my little sister’s bedroom wall.  My daddy and I spent the rainy afternoon painting them to surprise Sophie with. Touch.  My fingers trace the marks and dates written on the hallway wall. My parents religiously had measured us to mark our growth over the years.  I wish I could cut this out of the wall.  I don’t want them painted over.  I don’t want them erased as if we were never here.  I snap a picture with my phone so I can have this with me wherever I am.

I can’t fathom another family making memories here; the sold sign out front is painful enough to look at. With one last look around, I shut the front door.  I can see Sophie’s heartbroken face as she stares back at me through the car window.  While all I want to do is break down and cry I know I can’t.  I have to be strong for that sweet face in the window looking back at me. She needs me now, more than ever, and I need her just as much


Skylar is a survivor.  She survived the car accident that killed her parents, and she stepped up to care for her younger sister. Already by age 16, Skylar has had to deal with more than some do their entire lives.  Unfortunately, for Skylar – her struggles don’t stop there.  Throughout her story, we see many battles that Skylar must continue to survive, as she goes through life ensuring that her sister Sophie wants for very little, and is able to take opportunities that life might present her.

Skylar meets Sebastian, and little does she know she has met him before.  Their journey to find each other is a push and pull challenge for both of them, for Skylar, because she is innocent when it comes to men, and really doesn’t have the time, and for Sebastian because he feels he is not good enough for Skylar.

As I read this story, I was touched by Skylar’s life experiences, she has such pure strength and beauty that you can’t help but admire.  The torment that shadows Sebastian also made you wish for good things for him, well at least for the ‘him’ that Skylar gets to know anyway.  
This story has a cliff hanger.  I have to say that I am not a huge fan of cliff hangers unless they are done really really well.  Mia Michelle surprised me with this one.  It was predictable to me in the sense of how I predicted how the drama would play out, and I was cheering for it (there was something about the bulk of the love story that seemed too perfect for me).  However, as the story progressed, I honestly did not think I would get the drama in this book.  I could tell there was more to the story to come, and I really thought this drama would drive book 2, and that Rose of Thorne would have a happy little interim ending with the reader holding the knowledge that Sebastian’s secrets would come out one day.  

Then bam…..   it happened… right when I didn’t expect it!  So thank you for sucking me in to this cliff hanger – and thank you for having Thornless almost ready to go – because the wait might just kill me a little bit.

This story is well written, and a pretty seamless read – the pages keep turning..  Oh and when I said the love story was a little perfect – it was far from perfect, but to me the angst didn’t rip at my heart!  

I read this as an ARC, and I assume there will still be some editing before it becomes published….  But in the event I received the final version – there are a few editorial errors, really though I am being picky, because they don’t really detract from the story!

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Mia fell in love with the literary world at a very young age and began putting her active imagination to pen and paper by the age of six. Over the years, she has filled up numerous shelves with her notebooks and journals of her favorite stories. Twelve years ago, Mia began drafting The Thorne Series and through encouragement of a close friend, decided to finally take the leap of faith to bring her dream to life. She openly admits to having a hopeless infatuation with her Kindle and suffers from the one-click book addiction (No intervention required). 

Mia is currently a stay at home mom who has mastered the fine art of making a PB&J sandwich in between laundry and shuttling kids to ballet and swimming. In her spare time (“What spare time?” She laughs), she enjoys photography, traveling, and having a girls night out with her pals. She enjoys the simple things in life, such as sleeping more than 3 hours per night and 10 minute showers without being interrupted by children yelling “mommy” from the other side of the bathroom door. 

Mia Michelle resides in Tennessee with her soul mate and husband of 18 years and their 2 beautiful young children. She is currently working on her Masters in Counseling and drafting her new series.


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  1. Thanks for the great review!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment Maisie, it's nice to know people are reading!
